Wadi Mujib is a good place for adventures like hiking and canyoning with its area of about 220 square km offers a variety in nature and wildlife and is a hotspot for eco- and adventure tourism. Visitors have to consider the most trails are not accessible the year around, mostly limited from the 1st of April until the 31st of October. The water trails require the ability to swim and to have no fear of water and heights. Minimum age is 18 years.

Water Trails:
Siq Trail
Open from April till end of October, leads you into the main gorge of the Mujib River (the Siq). It starts at the visitor center near the Mujib Bridge, from where you walk to the base of a large waterfall. Depending on seasonal rainfall levels, the gorge may contain pools deep enough for swimming. Always take care along the walk, avoid pools and rapids and respect any rope barriers. A guide is mandatory for the Ibex Trail (3-4 hrs). Between November till March hikers can start from the Visitor Center, follow steep ascends, climb up to historical fortification, on the way to the Ranger Station see the rock statue of Lot's Wife - according to the Bible she turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back on the cities Sodom and Gomorrah. Our hike ends at the Nubian ibex enclosure.
Canyon Trail
This trail takes 4 hours and requires a guide. It opens from April till October depending on the weather condition except during Ramadan. Pass through white rock hills, the trail starts from the Visitor Center to the Mujib River. The trail follows the river downstream from the head of the Mujib Gorge. Shortly after entering the gorge, you will reach the top of a spectacular waterfall 20m high, which will be negotiated under the watchful eye of trained guides. After descending the waterfall, the hike continues along the gorge and returns you back to the Visitor Center.
Malaqi Trail
Accessible from April till October and it takes 6-7 hours of canyoning. This water trail starts at the visitor center and follows the same route into the nature reserve as the Ibex trail. After passing through hills, you begin your descent to the river Mujib. The hike continues upstream along in the river to the Malaqi area. Here you can linger, eat a picnic and enjoy swimming in the natural pools. You move on through the Mujib gorge to descend a waterfall, 20 meters in height, using ropes. From here you continue along the rest of the river, back to the visitor center.
Mountain Trail:
Ibex Trail
This trail requires a guide and it takes 3-4 hours hiking from the Mujib Adventure Center and follows the Dead Sea Highway before ascending into the reserve. Diverging to the South, the trail runs parallel to the Dead Sea, which provides a startlingly blue backdrop for the entire hike. The hike then continues along a number of dry wadis to the Raddas Ranger Station, where you may see the Nubian Ibex. It is also where the famous rock “statue” of Lot’s wife can be seen. This only from November until the end of March.